There It Is – Relativity vs. Truth

Jonathan PaineRecently, we’ve seen a lot of ignorance deriding the truth. Relativity is the order of the day. No longer is truth absolute, but most view it as subjective. But what happens when you remove the truth? What happens when the foundation of society itself crumbles?

You don’t have to look far to find out.

Think about it. We are being told a person cannot choose who they are attracted to, because they’re born a certain way. Yet on the other hand we are told that a person can and should be allowed to choose what their gender is. The first is a preference, a choice. The other is biological fact.

Relativity means we can’t tell the difference between a choice and biological fact anymore because truth has become relative.

Google is telling their employees that if you don’t believe what they want you to believe, they will not tolerate you. Yet on the other hand, photographers and bakers are told they must not only tolerate, but embrace and celebrate beliefs that go against their deeply held religious convictions.

Relativity means we can’t tell the difference between real tolerance and the squashing of opposing beliefs.*

Planned Parenthood propagates the lie that unborn children are not worthy of life. Yet on the other hand, we are told that the government should spend untold numbers of dollars to preserve and protect the life of rare endangered species.

Relativity means that we cannot define “life” and therefore we can’t tell the difference between murder of innocent unborn children and conservation.

Someone once said, “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

Relativity is not an alternate view of truth. It is deceit. Pure and simple.

Our Founders knew this. That’s why they led with “We hold these truths to be self-evident…” They wanted to begin with the fact that Truth exists. Because without truth, how can you be said to have rights at all?

The lunacy that we’re seeing everyday is due to a rejection of the Truth. Truth is staring the world in the face, yet we’re being told in order to be tolerant, in order to be accepting, in order to be PC, we must actively deny what we know.

Victor Hugo said, “To rise from error to truth is rare and beautiful.” Relativity is an error. And it is destroying our families, our societies, and it’s coming for our nation.

It is up to each of us to be warriors for the Truth. To seek it out, to learn it for ourselves, to study it, and be able to defend it.



*Note: Google has every right to fire and hire whomever they please. However, they must bear the social stigma incurred for terminating an employee because his beliefs differed from their leftist ideas.

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