Patriot Press

The False Dilemma

Jonathan Paine Sometimes in the realm of policy debate, you feel like you’re standing on a sinking ship. One side is arguing that the boat is going under, the other side is arguing that the ship is ju...

Richard Henry Lee: Lives, Fortunes, Sacred Honor

Mark Cole Ah, Virginia. What would America be without the men of Virginia?  What would America be without Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe – not to mention George Washingto...

Congress Knows Best

Jonathan Paine Do you know what’s best for you? Do you know what you need, what you can live without, etc.? Of course you do! Deep down each human desires individual autonomy. Now, since you know what...

In Their Own Words – Mary Fioravanti

Every year, over 300 young leaders receive training from Patriot Academy. And every year that number is increasing! Through email updates, our social media, and the Patriot Press, we work to keep you ...

George Wythe: Lives, Fortunes, Sacred Honor

Marc Cole Though the name of George Wythe is not that well-known today, during the era of the march towards independence, he was one was one of the most revered men in America. Just as John Witherspoo...

Where They Are Now: Nicole Hudgens

Patriot Academy is having a nation-wide impact that is expanding every single year. The alumni that are trained at Patriot Academy are not your “average” young people as evidenced by the drive and pas...

Government Playing God

Frank Alegria, Patriot Academy Alumnus Ten months ago in Middlesex, England, a baby boy was born. Suffering from a rare genetic disorder known as mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, Charlie Gard was...

Independence Day 2017: Celebrate & Remember

Jonathan Paine The Fourth of July truly is a time to celebrate. This year marks 241 years since freedom was first encapsulated in a nation. Never before, and never since in modern history, has a natio...

Charles Carroll: Lives, Fortunes, Sacred Honor

Marc Cole After Jefferson and Adams died on July 4, 1826, only a single signer of the Declaration of Independence survived. That man was Charles Carroll of Maryland. He would live for another six year...